воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

You must vizit Tashkent

The history of Stone Town (which you can see in the tour to Uzbekistan), namely, so sounds in Uzbek name Tashkent, amazing, enlightening and memorable. First started talking about Tashkent in late XI century, and since then, the city, located at the crossroads of trade routes, has always been a coveted prey warring tribes. Since ancient times, Tashkent was a member of various khanates and states that existed on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, and in the mid-nineteenth century it was conquered by Tsarist Russia. Attached to the Russian Empire, the city became the center of Turkestan province.
Then the revolution of 1917, the formation of the Uzbek SSR. In 1930, Tashkent - the capital of the republic. In 1966, a devastating earthquake nearly leveled the city to the ground, but with assistance from the fraternal republics of the USSR, it was rebuilt, and from that time Tashkent from ordinary oriental city is becoming a handsome modern metropolis. Today Tashkent - the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is considered the largest and most beautiful city in Central Asia, but the memory of the most important events of history as ever cherished this ancient and eternally young giant. Are you planning trip to Uzbekistan? This is a great idea. Uzbekistan - a wonderful country with beautiful monuments and rich history. I wish you a pleasant journey. Good luck, my friends!

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