воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Ancient popular holiday Nowruz

Ancient popular holiday Nowruz ("Nowruz bayrami"), celebrated on March 21, the vernal equinox. Nowruz (New-Ruz, Naw-Ruz) - Spring Festival, or the new year. The term "Nowruz" consists of two Persian words "new" (new) and "Ruz" (day), with the first starting day of the crucial holiday Aryans. It is celebrated for the past several thousand years. The meaning of this festival is that it is the vernal equinox, when the length of day and night is 12 hours, the interaction of man and nature achieves perfect harmony: a period of awakening and renewal. Nowruz is the beginning of a new year and a tradition based on the understanding of man and nature.
It is believed that Nowruz - it is something more than just a holiday. How many centuries Nowruz, so much, and believe, that the bright and happy it will be, the richer will be the nature of the people. Therefore rained that day ritual songs Navruz  people dancing and having fun, enjoy the coming of spring, give each other gifts, help orphans and the poor. These days, nature starts to come alive, the trees bloom, people wake up and relieve themselves of their gray winter clothes, a green ... and start cooking with herbs.

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