воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Uzbek knives

Despite the fact that the most famous and popular are the blades from Chust, most common in Uzbekistan - Shahrikhon. In Shahrihan glorious city, not far from a small and intimate Pchak-Bozor, a number of which are sold only knives. In the urban areas and the surrounding villages there are so many places densely settled "pchakchi" - dynasty masters for the production of knives. The city laugh that one in three occupied by hunting. Perhaps this explains a fair price for the luxury brand Shahrikhon "pchaki" - Uzbek knives.
In the workshops of local craftsmen produced more than a dozen different types of knives and purpose: gun butcher - "kassob-Pichak" knife for cutting test "Norin-Pichak" gift knife - "bola-Pichak" folding knife for elders - "chol- Pichak. " Of course, all the knives in Shahrihane exclusively handmade, and the price of the product is very influenced by the material handles, trim gyulband (piece of metal that connects the blade with a handle), quenching method, your name, and of course, the most important thing - the metal. We can not say that the metal in Shahrihane deficit, but to make certain types of blades are steel - SH15 and 40H13, from these same varieties are doing springs and bearings, so that's the master in the city and called steel "spring" and "bearing". If you pick up a product from different varieties, once you feel the difference, "bearing" has become somewhat heavier, and sharpening a knife keeps longer. But this does not mean that the blades of the "spring" were worse, just they have a different purpose.

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