воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Nurata mountains

To the east of the city of Navoi Jizzakh to the west, north-west of Samarkand, on the border with the Kyzyl-Kum desert, more than 170 km of mountain range stretches - mountains Nuratau. Mountain range combined three ranges: the Karatau - South, Aktau - center and Nuratau - north. Nuratau much larger and more extended brothers and the highest point - Hayatbashi peak (2169m) is located on it. Actually after him mountainous region and was named Nurata mountains. Near Jizzakh Nuratau Sanzar crosses mountain river and forms a picturesque gorge, known popularly as the "Gate of Tamerlane." In the west, the ridge begins to decline and gradually passes into the valley, the southern rocky slopes with the right bank of the river Zarafshan form. To the north of Samarkand ridge flattens almost parallel artificial lake Aydarkul. The heart of the mountain range is organized in 1975 Nuratinsky Reserve, which was created specifically for the population to recover almost exterminated sheep (argali) Severtsov and protect rare species of walnut.

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