воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

History of Uzbekistan

History of Uzbekistan - time record, as a long road and exciting as the extraordinary adventure, read it not only interesting, but also infinitely instructive. It covers a time period that the untrained person is not sophisticated and complicated. So we will not hurry up and start all over from the beginning.
When the early development of man in Uzbekistan? Scientists argue about this for a long time. Some argue that this period belongs to the middle Paleolithic age others boldly offer a much more solid and the beginnings of life attributed to the Lower Paleolithic era, which is about 1 million years BC. One way or another, about the period of life we know very little. Finds artifacts in modern Ferghana, Bukhara, Kara Kum and Kyzyl-Kum, rare, materials are poorly understood... Are you planning trip to Uzbekistan? This is a great idea. Uzbekistan - a wonderful country with beautiful monuments and rich history. I wish you a pleasant journey. Good luck, my friends!

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