воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Pottery in Tashkent

One of the oldest districts of Tashkent - Kukcha street Odil Mukhtarov, here on a shady street is one of the attractions of the capital of Uzbekistan - House-Museum. Mukhitdin Rakhimov (1903-1985). A ceramist in the fourth generation, engineer, scientist - researcher - Muhiddin Rakhimov, more than forty years he was a senior research assistant at the Institute of Art History. In his many trips around the country learned thoroughly studied the traditions and techniques of the oldest centers of pottery ceramics in Uzbekistan. Many years of his life, based on the research of archaeologists, he devoted to the study of pottery Timurid era and the Kushan Empire. From his pen came several books and dozens of articles on the history of pottery country, technology creation and processing of pottery. Special interest scientists is the interpretation of symbols, ornaments and art images painted ceramics of Uzbekistan.
Any free time, usto (master) gave Mukhitdin working with clay and painting their works. He has created dozens of magnificent works of art made in the Kushan and Timurid time Tashkent ceramics school, many of them are kept today in the world's best museums (the Hermitage - S.Peterpurg Museum of Oriental Art - Moscow.). But it's time, and all of their knowledge and skills learned conveyed to his son Akbar. Thanks to research his father, Akbar skillfully mastered painting pottery glazes "ishkor", that he offered to create a house-museum Mukhitdin Rakhimov, wherever exhibited not only the work of his father, but also many archaeological finds, he brought from expeditions.

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