воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Museums of Uzbekistan

They say museums - the mirror of history. And the history of Uzbekistan is most closely associated with the history of the Silk Road, for thousands of years to cross the territory of the country.
Exposure of one of the largest museums in Tashkent - Uzbekistan State Museum contains more than two hundred and fifty thousand items, including the most valuable numismatic, archaeological and ethnographic relics that tell about the culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the country, state formation and the formation of ethnic Uzbek people. Of great interest is the collection of antique coins of the states on the territory of Uzbekistan in antiquity. This is the coin of the Hellenistic Seleucid III. BC Greco-Bactrian drachmas III-II centuries BC and coins of Kushan kingdom that existed from I c. BC to the II. BC Sogdian, Bukhara, Khorezm coins of the first centuries BC adjacent to the Parthian and Sassanid coins, money, state Yuezhi, Chaganian and Chinese coins of the Tang Dynasty, clearly indicate strong trade ties between East and West at the crossroads of caravan routes of the Silk Road. The State Museum of History of Uzbekistan presented Zoroastrian ossuaries, Sogdian and Bactrian wall paintings, Buddhist sculpture, ceramics and artifacts Khalchayan Timurid era, telling about the rich spiritual and material heritage of the Uzbek people. One section of the museum is devoted to the modern period in the history of independent Uzbekistan... Are you planning trip to Uzbekistan? This is a great idea. Uzbekistan - a wonderful country with beautiful monuments and rich history. I wish you a pleasant journey. Good luck, my friends!

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