воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Театры Узбекистана

"The whole world of play-acting" - and even claimed Shakespeare put these words at the entrance to a theater "Globe". Inherent to the Uzbek people artistry and musicality from time immemorial were manifested in ritual. In the old market squares pageants stray actors maskarabozov collected hundreds of spectators at folk festivals pantomime accompanied their performances tightrope walkers. In our time in musical troupes and theaters of Uzbekistan operates a galaxy of talented artists.
The story of one of the oldest and most famous theaters in the country - the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Alisher Navoi connected with the creation in 1926, the first national-ethnographic ensemble led Mukhitdin Kari-Yakubov. After the success of productions such musical plays as "Arshin Mal Alan" U.Hadjibeyov "Rizavarchi" A.Kamarlinskogo, "Halima" G.Zafari, the team has received the status of the Uzbek State Theatre. The theater actors came owning professional vocal technique and acting, the audience saw a new musical performances by folk music and dance. The birth of opera can be considered in 1939, when the premiere of the first national opera "Buran", written by famous composers later Uzbek M.Ashrafi and S. Vasilenko. Since 1947, the State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi is located in a unique building, built in the center of Tashkent, according to the prominent Russian architect academician A.Schuseva. The interiors are decorated with Uzbek theater folk artists under the famous Bukhara carver ganch Usto Shirin Muradov...

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