воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Uzbek bread

Bread - a head. So it was, is and always will be. Varieties, types and forms of bread there is great variety, depending on to National, location and religious rights of its baked. And as long as we in Uzbekistan, it's time to pay tribute to the unique Uzbek bread - "Issik non" or hot cake.
Anyone who has ever tried Uzbek hot cakes will always be in love with this miracle with a crisp, divinely supple, fragrant flesh and bits of kurzhuta, exploding on the teeth of a unique flavor. And if in this case, the window is only just beginning day, and you're holding Pialat hot, sweet tea on the table as concerned with the freshest clotted cream (a kind of thick cream), any kind of power in the world can not tear you away from that unreal tasty remarkably nutritious and most correct in the world of breakfast (the authors).

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