воскресенье, 9 сентября 2012 г.

Gold embroidery

In contrast to that of silk embroidery, which only deal with women zolotoshveyami long since become exclusively male. The highest peak is the craft reached in Bukhara by the middle of the XIX century, where he mastered specifically for decoration orders of the ruler and his retinue. Gold and silver thread embroidered robes for men, turbans and skullcaps, shoes and trousers, as well as women's clothing: dresses and gowns, headbands - peshanaband, various scarves, shoes and boots. Also embroidered with gold and gems profusely interspersed with small rugs adorned horses and palace interior.
Perfection composite construction designs and technical execution as follows. Stencil items drawn on Laika, then cut out, attached to the stretched fabric and sewn with precious filaments. For each product, the definitions stitch embroidery "zaminduzi" - solid CLADDING "gulduzi" - Sewing for carved figure on a blank background, and more than thirty prominent seams. Today gold embroidery own far outside Bukhara and predominantly female. Their hands are large-scale works - theater curtains, large wall panels, various souvenirs, as this technique is widely used in modern clothing.

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